About Us
Perth Radiological Clinic
Western Australia’s leading imaging experts for over 75 years.

Who we are
Perth Radiological Clinic (PRC) is a private radiological practice that provides high quality diagnostic imaging services, using the most up-to-date technology and highly trained medical professionals. Our aim is to support the community to access affordable quality imaging. We are driven by science and humanity, clinical quality, and compassion. The PRC team pride ourselves on our innovative approach and are recognised as a leader in diagnostic medical imaging.

Our Vision
To be Australia’s leading medical imaging practice.

Our Mission
To provide the highest standard of diagnostic medical imaging with an unwavering focus on accuracy, professionalism, convenience, and affordability.
PRC have dedicated, compassionate, and highly skilled doctors and team members making us the preferred medical imaging provider for our patients and referrers.
Our Focus
Fostering a culture of service excellence
- Maintaining a culture of client focus in our daily service delivery.
- Being relevant to our patients and those requesting our services by orientating our services to their needs.
- Focusing on the patient experience and their interacting with us, viewing our service delivery processes through our clients’ eyes.
- Using our core competencies and creating efficiencies to provide valued services for all patients and referring doctors.
- Creating medical relationships with other health related organisations to improve patient access and care.
- Being open to feedback and acting upon it.
Embracing a culture of quality and improvement
- Actively investing in state-of-the-art imaging equipment.
- Producing accurate, technically excellent and timely imaging results.
- Embracing a commitment to quality and continuous improvement.
- Developing and using quality and safety systems throughout the practice.
- Optimising imaging and reporting standards across the options.
- Optimising our human resource workflow and work distributions.
- Listening and learning from the experiences of others.
- Demonstrating we add value for our patients, referrers and other stakeholders.
Developing our people
- Focusing on the recruitment of outstanding and talented people.
- Continuing to build staff engagement.
- Continuing to embrace the local community of our branch clinics whilst cultivating the advantages of the whole organisation.
- Investing in all our people by expanding our mentoring programs and enabling career development, higher learning, leadership opportunities and succession planning.
- Building community beyond PRC through the support of the PerthRadClinic Foundation, fostering improvement in social and healthcare outcomes for the Western Australian community by supporting innovation in medicine, health education, community programs, and staff participation in charitable activities.
Leading in health information technology, communications and innovation
- Using technology to improve efficiency to provide an improved patient and referrer experience.
- Being early adopters of national and international industry trends and adapting them to local needs.
- Fostering collaboration internally and externally through our digital network.
- Using the latest technology to interact with our patients and referrers.
- Using knowledge sharing and e-learning to improve our internal operations.