
A mammogram is a low dose x-ray of the breast. Mammograms are performed for two major reasons. Firstly, in patients with breast symptoms, to detect a possible cause for their symptoms (a diagnostic mammogram), and secondly, to detect early signs of breast cancer in patients who do not have breast symptoms (a screening mammogram).

Does any of the following apply to you? If so please contact us as soon as possible.

  • You suspect or know that you may be pregnant
  • You are a diabetic

Do you require an interpreter?
Is the patient non-english speaking? If so, we can arrange for an interpreter to be present during the appointment. Please let us know as soon as possible so we can make the relevant arrangements.

If your breasts are tender just before your period, it may be more comfortable for you to make an appointment just after your period. We will also ask you if you have had any previous breast imaging and at which imaging provider, so that we can arrange for previous imaging to be sent to us electronically.  

On the day:

  • Wear a 2 piece outfit
  • Please do not wear any talcum powder or deodorant as this may show up as an abnormality on your mammogram 
  • Please let the radiographer know if you think you might be pregnant 
  • The mammogram is performed by a specially trained, experienced female radiographer.
  • You will be required to undress to the waist and will be given a loose-fitting gown to wear.
  • Each breast will be positioned between two flat plates and compressed.
  • The compression will be firm and may be uncomfortable, however, it should only last a few seconds whilst the x-ray is being taken.
  • The compression helps make the breast a uniform thickness, which makes the image clearer and minimises the x-ray dose to the breast tissue. Initially two images will be taken of each breast, but further images may be required.
  • The mammogram appointment time is usually 30 minutes. More time may be needed if you have breast implants.
  • Your images will be checked by our specialist radiologist prior to leaving the clinic so any additional views can be performed if required.
  • Your results will be available within 1 to 2 business days for your referring doctor to view.
  • Please advise our reception staff if you have a follow up appointment date booked with your referring doctor.
  • The risk of breast cancer increases with age, especially after the age of 50 years.  
  • It is suggested that women over the age of 40 years, without breast symptoms, have a screening mammogram every two years.  
  • There is no proven benefit for women under 40 years to have routine screening mammograms.  
  • Annual screening mammograms are only suggested if you have had a previous breast cancer or have a very strong family history of breast cancer (ie multiple affected family members).  
  • Your doctor can tell you if they recommend annual screening. If you have breast symptoms your doctor will indicate whether you should have a mammogram. 

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