Our PRC Team
From the moment you make an appointment with PRC through to when your specific service is complete, you will be serviced by between 4 to 8 people. Our clerical, technical and doctor team members are also supported by a large team of operational staff who ensure the day-to-day running of PRC functions smoothly. Some of our key roles are explained below.
Responsible for handling all incoming phone calls. They assist with making your appointment or answering any enquiries you may have.
Responsible for assisting all patients on arrival to PRC clinics and finalising accounts and billings at the end of your appointment. Our friendly team of receptionists will be able to assist you with any enquiries or assistance you may require while at PRC.
Responsible for assisting our radiologists and radiographers with your visit. This can include arranging for you to change into a gown, reading through consent forms, assisting with procedures, performing bone density procedures, checking your dressings and ensuring you are comfortable following an interventional procedure.
Often referred to as ‘techs’ or technical team members, responsible for completing a variety of medical imaging services such as x-ray and CT scans. You may also see some student radiographers throughout our clinics. As part of their degrees, they are required to complete placements to develop their knowledge and experience. If you would like more information on your x-ray or CT, please speak with our Radiographers prior to the commencement of your procedure.
These are radiographers who have completed further training in the MRI field. They will provide support and assistance during your MRI study. If you would like more information on your MRI, please speak with our MRI radiographers prior to the commencement of your procedure.
These radiographers have completed specialty training to complete breast related imaging procedures such as ultrasounds and mammograms.
‘Sonos’ for short, are the people who complete most of our diagnostic ultrasounds. Some of our sonographers were radiographers first before completing their sonography degree. The sonographers will explain your procedure before commencing and complete any required forms with you. Sometimes one of our assistants may be present with the sonographer for the duration of your procedure.
Are responsible for performing all our nuclear medicine and PET procedures. While their duties are like our radiographers, they have completed a different degree, completing a Medical Radiation degree (rather than a Medical Imaging Degree). This is due to the way Nuclear Images are developed and the injection of the radio-active isotope injections you will receive prior to your procedure.
Are the specialist medical doctors trained to interpret, review and report all imaging performed within PRC, sometimes requiring patient to doctor interaction. Radiologists also complete procedural work, such as injections and biopsies. Some radiologists are a part of our subspecialty reporting groups. Subspecialists are experts in their field after completing an additional 1-2 years of study dedicated to this area, and focus on reporting cases associated with their subspecialty such as oncology, musculoskeletal and pediatric, as examples. More information on our subspecialties can be found here. Our doctors also provide ongoing training and support to all team members to expand knowledge throughout our clinics.