Dental X-Ray – OPG and Lat Ceph 

These are special x-rays of the lower face, teeth and jaws. An orthopantomagram or OPG provides a panoramic view of the mouth, teeth and bones of the upper and lower jaws. The lat ceph results in a lateral or sideways view of the face.  

Does any of the following apply to you? If so please contact us as soon as possible.

  • You suspect or know that you may be pregnant

Do you require an interpreter?
Is the patient non-english speaking? If so, we can arrange for an interpreter to be present during the appointment. Please let us know as soon as possible so we can make the relevant arrangements.

  • You may be asked to remove jewellery, eyeglasses and any metal objects that may obscure the image
  • Please advise the technician if you are pregnant or suspect you may be pregnant prior to the procedure 
  • While an appointment isn’t necessary, our clinics sometimes experience a busy period, so if there is a specific date or time you prefer, please make an appointment here
  • OPG & lat ceph are not available at all our clinics, please check the services directory for your closest available clinic.  


  • You will be asked to stand with your face resting on a small shelf and to bite gently on a sterile mouthpiece to steady your head
  • It is important to stay very still while the x-ray is taken
  • The OPG machine will rotate around you while taking the images required
  • An OPG is a panoramic or wide view x-ray of the lower face which displays all the teeth of the upper and lower jaw on a single film. An OPG may be requested for the planning of orthodontic treatment, for assessment of wisdom teeth or for a general overview of the teeth and the bone which supports the teeth.

Lat ceph:

  • You will be asked to stand with your head against the machine so that it can be adjusted for your comfort
  • A pair of cone shaped plastic supports are then gently positioned in each ear, rather like a pair of headphones
  • A lat ceph is a lateral or side view x-ray of the face, which demonstrates the bones and facial contours in profile on a single film
  • Lat ceph x-rays are usually used in the diagnosis and treatment of orthodontic problems
  • Following both procedures, your images will be reviewed and reported by one of our specialist radiologists.

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