Female Pelvic Ultrasound

The female pelvis can be examined by passing ultrasound beams through the abdominal wall (a transabdominal scan), or by placing a specialised probe into the vaginal cavity to provide a more detailed assessment of the pelvic organs (a transvaginal scan). The type of examination you will need will depend on what your referring doctor has requested, and the nature of the clinical condition being investigated.

Do you require an interpreter?
Is the patient non-english speaking? If so, we can arrange for an interpreter to be present during the appointment. Please let us know as soon as possible so we can make the relevant arrangements.

  • 1.5 hours prior to your appointment, drink 1 litre of water and finish drinking 30 mins before the appointment
  • Please do not go to the toilet as you need to attend your appointment with a full bladder
  • Continue to take your regular medication as normal
  • There is no requirement to fast for a pelvic ultrasound, however if an ultrasound of the abdomen is also requested you will be required to fast.
  • For most ultrasound procedures you will be required to change into a gown and lie on an examination couch
  • You will remain covered during your procedure except for the area being imaged. To obtain optimal images, a layer of gel will be applied to the area being imaged so that good contact is made between you and the ultrasound probe
  • The probe will be placed directly onto your skin for the duration of the examination
  • You may also be asked to hold your breath for a few seconds during the scan time. The scan is completely painless, although pressure may be applied to improve the image quality.โ€ฏPlease tell the sonographer should this become uncomfortable
  • In some instances, a transvaginal scan may be indicated
  • Transvaginal scans are frequently performed in the first trimester of pregnancy, in the late stages of pregnancy, or at times when a close-up view of the pelvic organs is required
  • The transvaginal scan is performed with an empty bladder, and as a result many patients find it more comfortable
  • The small, sterilised probe (about the same diameter as a thumb) is lubricated with gel before insertion into the vagina
  • A protective cover is placed over the transducer each time it is used, so there is no risk of infection
  • Transvaginal scans are only performed if requested or clinically indicated and always with the patientโ€™s consent. Please discuss any issues you may have with your sonographer.
  • Most ultrasound procedures will be completed within 30 minutes; however, some studies will take longer especially if a transvaginal scan is indicated after an abdominal scan is performed
  • It is not unusual for our radiologist to come in and speak with you and view the images on the screen
  • Your images will then be reviewed and reported by one of our specialist radiologists
  • Please advise the reception staff if you have a follow up appointment scheduled with your referring doctor.

Please note: Due to the high demand for these tests, a fee may be charged for appointments that are cancelled within 24 hours prior to the booking.

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